Smyrna Bowling Center recognizes that the future of our business and our community is our youth. This is why we have a special commitment to education. We work with schools and students from the elementary through the high school level.

Or goal is not only to educate young people about the sport of bowling, but also work to instill the values of sportsmanship and fair play. Additionally, we run a School Break Special throughout the year that is available for any student (elementary through high school), offering the first game and shoes for a one dollar donation which goes directly to local school libraries, which help to beef up those book selections to feed those hungry young minds.

Our Youth Director, Justin Yirkovsky, is always ready to act as the prime contact for educators who would like to use bowling as a teaching instrument.

School Break Special

Available Monday – Friday, 7am – 5pm.

Anytime local schools (grade school thru High school) are out for break, students may bowl for just $1.50 for their first game and shoe rental. all proceeds donated to local school libraries.

our youth program featured in bowling magazine!

Visiting Youth Groups

We offer Youth Group rates for field trip situations which can include games of bowling, and snacks or lunch, and our own highly educational Explore Bowling TourWith ample opportunity to make the visit educational for the children, and no weather concerns, this is a great value pick for the school looking for an excellent off site opportunity to energize their classes and reward student’s hard work.

In School Bowling Program

Looking to add something new and exciting to your school’s physical education curriculum? Here is a great way to do that, at no cost to your school’s budget! Call and speak with Justin or any of our managers about our In School Bowling Program at (615) 355-0501. This one is all about educating elementary and middle schoolers about the sport of bowling through their P. E. programs.

We bring portable lanes, balls and everything else needed directly to your school. We even supply a curriculum guide in the form of a hard back work book and DVD that make it easy to build a lesson plan straight from. Typically, the equipment can be scheduled to be available for your school for two to three weeks. We will even throw in free game coupons for each of the class members to use at Smyrna Bowling Center to come try out their new skills. Working with over 40 different area schools, we have found the program to be very popular, so schedule your access to the equipment well in advance.

Middle School Program

This is a new and growing program for us. It is broken down into two parts.

Club Bowling: Beginning in the Fall of each year, students from participating middle schools meet from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM and form bowling clubs. These kids are able to participate in club bowling at the rate of two games plus shoes for $5.00. As they hone their bowling skills, they prepare to compete for the chace to take part in part two of the program, Team Match Play.

Team Match Play: Beginning in January, students who have been a part of Club Bowling may try out for their schools’ teams. In February Match Play begins, and runs through March. Match Play games are free of charge to the participants.

High School Program

Smyrna Bowling Center works actively with the TSSAA to support bowling at the high school level. For most of the last decade, bowling has become the fastest growing high school sport, and we look for this trend to continue. Smyrna Bowling Center has had the honor of hosting every TSSAA Bowling Championship since its inception in 2002. The TSSAA bowling season begins in October, culminating in the State Championship in January. Team match games are free to the participants.

Successful high school bowlers have the opportunity to earn scholarships toward their continuing education. One such bowler, Kyle Barnes of Smyrna High School, won over thirty thousand dollars in scholarships by participating in the High School Bowling Program. Scholarships can be attained through tournament play and from the universities themselves. Prestigious schools like Vanderbilt University in Nashville offer bowling scholarships to excellent bowlers.

Saturday Morning Youth Bowling Program

Boasting the largest youth league in the state, Smyrna Bowling Center is proud to offer instruction to youth bowlers of all ages, before and after Saturday League play. 45 minutes before league play begins and an hour after, we have instructors on hand to help these young bowlers hone those skills. Some independent instructors charge $20 minimum per hour for their instruction, so this is really a fantastic value!

The leagues are broken up in to age categories.

Pee Wee Bowling Club: For kids 3 to 8, focusing on having fun and improving bowling, sportsmanship & citizenship skills. Participants bowl two games, shoes included, and have a snack. $10.00

Bantam Preps: For kids 8 to 12, this program focuses on fun and improving technical skills. Participants bowl three games with shoes included. $10.00

Junior Senior: For young people 12 to 20 years of age who are working on constantly improving skills while having fun. Participants bowl three games with shoes included. $10.00