The Arcade at Smyrna Bowling Center!
The latest, greatest games with a redemption area
Aside from the fantastic high quality lanes at Smyrna Bowling Center, we have a number of amusements for our patrons to enjoy. We have two separate arcades. We have modern video games and some old favorites. Included on that list are the popular “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, and Dance Dance Revolution. Many of our popular styled amusements give prize tickets which can be turned in at our prize counter for a variety of fun prizes. This is a big draw for our younger patrons who can have hours of fun while winning the right to claim the prizes of their choice when they collect enough prize tickets.
Our arcade down on “This End” features pool tables, claw games and yet more video games for those momentary diversions between bowling matches. So when Mom and Dad want to bowl and the kids are ready to do something else, there are great family alternatives. These extras and the family atmosphere at Smyrna Bowling Center make it a perfect place to bring the kids for hours of fun at a great value. Don’t forget to feed the jukebox to bowl and play in time with all your favorite tunes!